martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

LEVEL 3 >>  >> Carrer-Related Website OR An Expert on your Field 

For this post,  you have to choose only ONE of these  2 options:

Post 1 (Instructions). 
Write about a career-related website that you enjoy visiting.
You have to:

- provide the link
- describe the website (sections, features,etc)
- say how often you visit the site
- explain why you like the site.

>Add comments to 3 of your classmates’ blogs + a comment on your teacher's post
>Word Count: 170


Post 2 (Instructions)
Who is a person/expert on your field that you admire?


-Who she/he is. (short biography)
-What she/he has done. (examples of their work)
-Why you like her/him.
-Include his/her image

> About 170 words
>Add comments to 3 of your classmates’ blogs + a comment on your teacher's post.

ExampleThe man in the picture is Noam Chomsky, He is a very well known and widely respected Language Scientist. He is american and all his life, he has done research in the areas of grammar and language development among others. 

At the core of his theory there is the thought that the structures of language are not mere ordering of words in  that there aprinciples underlying the structrure of languge biologically determined in the mind and he thinks they are, therefore, genetically transmitted, in other words, since we come to life as humans, we come with the capability for language development.

He changed my perspectives of why people learn a language, of how people learn it and how can that proces be reproduced in further stages of life such as "learning" a laguange as an adult or  as he says, "acquiring" a foreign language in later stages and contexts of a lifetime.

He is considered the Father of Modern Linguistics and because of his extensive research, many new methodologies to language study, and also many new areas have opened up, an example is the applications of his language theory into Neuroscience and IT, and even today he keeps on opening up new ares of thought mixing his theories with discourse and particularly public discourse critical analysis, and needless say, he is a must-study for every linguistics or language-related-area-student.

19 comentarios:

  1. wow, It sounds like he is a genius! I now understand why you admire him hahaha

  2. I would like to read about Neuroscience, I think some day I will take the time to read Noam Chomsky because I have heard so much of him.

  3. There are many opinions about the ability of people to acquire new languages. I think I'll have to tell me more about the theory of Noam Chomsky, it sounds interesting.

  4. Sounds very interesting, for us is very important to know linguistics and theory must be one of the concrete so it is said of it, it must be appreciated in the world of linguistics.

  5. It´s incredible how the genetic and the instinct works when we have to communicate between humans

  6. Ohh you made me back in time with this post, I remember when I was 14 years old and my dad talked to me about Chamsky and he said the language is genetic and has not changed since it left Africa, well at that time I didn't know anything about it but now I can say that I don't think so, because (in my opinion) we don't "born" with it,we learn it. And for me, it change and has changed a lot! Just think about "chispeza" and "cachai" (LOL)

  7. My brother really admire him, just like you hahaha, I remember that I had to read him at the school, and he his a really interesting person :)

  8. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  9. I like Noam Chomsky very much, especially his literary activism. Anyway, is really hard to read the "linguistic Chomsky", but is necessary to understand his point of view of human society.

  10. I have heard so much of him, but never read him, but his work sounds very interesting, mostly for us that we will be future communicators

  11. I would like to read more about Chomsky, I only have a little bit knowledge of he and his work.

  12. I would like read more about Chomsky, but I wouldn't dare say that his theory about the human language is the correct one, because exist so many other .

  13. I find very interesting your tastes Jordan, regards .

  14. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  15. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  16. Chomsky is also a strong political activist and a critic of contemporary capitalism. He is an impressive man who is against Trump's campaign, reason enough for love him.

  17. Noam Chomsky it's a greatest expert in grammar, but too in political with their critics of capitalism. Great person!

  18. Noam Chomsly is a name we hear a lot, but not everyone know his legacy
