martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

LEVEL 3 >>  >> Carrer-Related Website OR An Expert on your Field 

For this post,  you have to choose only ONE of these  2 options:

Post 1 (Instructions). 
Write about a career-related website that you enjoy visiting.
You have to:

- provide the link
- describe the website (sections, features,etc)
- say how often you visit the site
- explain why you like the site.

>Add comments to 3 of your classmates’ blogs + a comment on your teacher's post
>Word Count: 170


Post 2 (Instructions)
Who is a person/expert on your field that you admire?


-Who she/he is. (short biography)
-What she/he has done. (examples of their work)
-Why you like her/him.
-Include his/her image

> About 170 words
>Add comments to 3 of your classmates’ blogs + a comment on your teacher's post.

ExampleThe man in the picture is Noam Chomsky, He is a very well known and widely respected Language Scientist. He is american and all his life, he has done research in the areas of grammar and language development among others. 

At the core of his theory there is the thought that the structures of language are not mere ordering of words in  that there aprinciples underlying the structrure of languge biologically determined in the mind and he thinks they are, therefore, genetically transmitted, in other words, since we come to life as humans, we come with the capability for language development.

He changed my perspectives of why people learn a language, of how people learn it and how can that proces be reproduced in further stages of life such as "learning" a laguange as an adult or  as he says, "acquiring" a foreign language in later stages and contexts of a lifetime.

He is considered the Father of Modern Linguistics and because of his extensive research, many new methodologies to language study, and also many new areas have opened up, an example is the applications of his language theory into Neuroscience and IT, and even today he keeps on opening up new ares of thought mixing his theories with discourse and particularly public discourse critical analysis, and needless say, he is a must-study for every linguistics or language-related-area-student.

martes, 24 de mayo de 2016

Blog 6: Free Topic: "A Meal I like to Cook for Myself"

Hi ICEI bloggers:

Today in our Hangouts Online Class we decided the following:

TODAYS TOPIC: "A Meal I Like to Cook for Myself"

Write 160 words about:
 - what it is.
- when you like to cook it
- how you cook it

My example:

Good day Everybody!, I hope you are enjoying the new season!
salpicón-de-atúnSpring is a really pleasant time in the year, don't you think? ...Anyway, today's topic is...well yah!...FREE!
Though...we have selected the following topic (min. 160 words, post three classmates) :
My Favourite Recipe for Cooking on my Own.
I have lived on my own for some good years so far and in most cases, catering, has been a daily issue to think over...specially when mom's not around!
I have always been related to the kitchen; my mum, as a child, would always say every person should know how to cook at least the minimum so as to survive in a good way. Considering also that I grew up in a time when big supermarket chains did not exist, a time when imported and/or processed food did not arrive and a time when cazuelas, humitas, porotos and several other, quite elaborate recipes, therefore....if you didn't cook, you couldn't eat.
Having grown around people cooking everywhere, it became natural to learn cooking methods, IO learnt the ways of chopping onion, how to cook it for different purposes, I also learnt about timing..well, I learnt this only after a time I bought a meat and cooked it on the grill but iy wasn't meant for it, but it was for cooking stews!!!
Anyway, nowadays, I live on my own, I have a demanding job (test to make, correct, handouts, bla bla bla) so with this lack of time and the need of eating healthy food, I like cooking my mom's sunday recipe:
Tuna Salad:
I open a Tuna can, I chop and wash lettuce (any kind, though I prefer iceberg lettuce), I chop onion and let it sit with salt for about 5-10 minutes, then it becomes softer. I wash it and get rid of the strength of its flavour and the salt. I mix everything in a big pot...To dress it, I add lemon juice, canola oil (or any oil), some good mayonaise and salt. Then, I eat it and go to work again. Well.... however, I still like taking time for cooking!

martes, 10 de mayo de 2016

Post 5 : The Story of a Picture

Blog 5: The Story of a Picture

Write about a photograph you like.


Who took it
What it shows
When it was taken
Why you like it
Upload it too

Include any other information you'd like to mention.
Write at least 150 words.

Add comments to at least 3 of your classmates’ blogs

The story of a picture
This might look a bit naive but , let me tell you, it is alcohol!, it was taken at a pub in Paris, in a bar across from Place Vendome. I was with friends and we wanted to see the non-romantic and alternative side of the city.
This picture is a portrait of the memories I have from my best holiday ever, and even though I haven’t had many superb holidays, because most of time I prefer visiting my family more than anything else, I have had some memorable ones.
It was the year 2008, if I don’t remember incorrectly; and I was under big stress because I had had several problems at my job. Anyway, to make a long story short, I dropped by the place I used to work for and they told me: “here you are”… it was a NICE, FAT Christmas bonus.
That day, I was with a friend of mine, and after hearing that I had received my present, she shouted at me, from the entrance: “Man!!!! Let’s go out!!!”….
Two hours later, we were hiking around Paris Downtown, we meant to tour as much as posible, getting to see idilic landscapes and also, both being teachers, we wanted to share with the locals and not visiting the typical touristic places.
We toured around Montmartre, the Quartier Latin, and the Quartier de L'Opéra -where the picture was taken. We spent nearly the whole afternoon walking around, very lost until we ended up in the strangest bar, where drinks were all related to Hospital which we thought was very original. From that improvised adventure, there are many stories we can both tell our children, and other thousand anecdotes, I cannot let you know in this blog entry’s extension.