martes, 5 de abril de 2016


1st Term 2016 / LEVEL 3 >> Blog Session 1 (Week 3) >> My Auto Biography

In week N° 3, and as the first post of this semester,  the students have to write their auto biographies.
They have to include:

- Birth info
- Studies info (elementary/high school/ univ)
- Family Info
- Hobbies

> Number of words: 100 (minimum)
> Make comments on three of your classmates posts + a comment on your teacher post as well.



[*]I was born far south, well, not so far, just 510 km south from the capital.
My home city used to be Concepción, where in 1985 I was born; but when I was 5 years old my Father got a job in another city so we had to move to Los Angeles.
Los Ángeles is a small city, at about 180 km from Concepción, it's a service and pulp-industry town, and it is also the capital city of the Bio-Bio Province.
The city is sourrounded by very green landscapes and because of the pulp industry, the sorroundings nowadays, is nearly covered with pine trees and eucalyptus, which are used for the production of the raw material used to make paper.
My father, who is an engineer, and my mother, who is a housewife, took us all with them and I ended up being raised in this new town. I also went to school there. I spent all my life, from 1st primary to 4th high school in catholic institutions.
My hobbies were not many, I used to play volleyball, I took guitar lessons, but finally, I think the most enjoyable hobby was to learn new languages, and because there were not many options, I studied English.
After graduation I went college and finally I got to Santiago where I have been living for the past 5 years.

I hope my future helps me keep my southern roots and perhaps, I will come back to the day.

28 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    1. Nice!, i really liked that you had not born in Santiago cause i prefer the south before the capital. Not just because of their landscapes, i liked because the more relaxed way of life there make people more friendly than in Santiago.

  2. You are very lucky to have grown up in the south.

  3. Hello Teacher, very nice know more info about your past, I visit BioBio region for tourism (Concepcion and Los Angeles, Chillan), and for work and studies, the first in Yumbel for film a event, and the second in Curanilahue, to film a short-documentary about this mining town (more info in
    If you have the possibility, What other language study??


  4. I always visit Los Ángeles because my dad lives in there, so i know what are you talking about the city, is very nice!

  5. What a coincidence, I also lived in Los Angeles! But now I live in Concepcion and, of course I study in Santiago.

  6. I have just one question... Why did you left the guitar away? Or you didn't? Are you going to return to it?

    Music is amazing. Because of it I had learned a lot of english! Also is such a way of comunication too.

    See you soon!

  7. Teacher, let us know about your past and your current aspirations was a really nice touch on your part. Is good to know a little more about you. And thank you very much for letting us leave earlier today, though south is rainier.

  8. You should return play the guitar, the music is so great and relaxing. If you return it we can play both together , you with the guitar en i withe saxophone.
    See you

  9. Awesome! I would like to visit Los Ángeles some day, I've heard i'ts a beautiful and interesting city. Maybe it could be my new destiny for the summer!
    See you soon.

  10. Once I went to Concepcion and Los Angeles and I like them both. I hope to return soon. The most particular memory I have from Concepcion was a meal: hot dogs with corn. Since that day I used to add corn to hot dog!

  11. I think you are lucky to have grown up in the south. Once I went to Los Ángeles and I loved it, it's beautiful and full of green, totally opposed to Santiago.
    I hope to come back soon too!

  12. I also was born in Concepción! It's a nice city. Every time I go, I visit the Desembocadura. It's so beautiful.

    Thanks for sharing your interests!

  13. My father was born in Lota!, a nice town really near from Concepcion. With my family tried travel to these lands every years. Greetings!

  14. Great! I'd like to know some places of south one day. I think the landscapes are so beautiful. I traveled to Concepción once with my parents because my dad was working there.

    See you soon!

  15. I love the South, I would like to travel through cities. I hope you can come back one day to the south, life is very different there. It seems very beautiful.

  16. The peace and tranquility of the south is amazing, I love the smell of eucalyptus and lose myself in the trees, I hope to come back to those places.

  17. its so cool that you like learn new languages.
    I hope that you will come back to your town in the south, so maybe you can invite me some days.

  18. the south of Chile is beautiful , I have seen the city of Los Angeles only in pictures and I think that is a beautiful place. you're so lucky to grow up there!

  19. I went one or two times to the south and it was so cold but reading this I'd wish gone again! and what about the catholic institutions? wow! My grandmother one time said " I would like you to study on a catholic institution" so I just ran away away away (LOL) it scaries me a lot! and I don't know why, I used to believe that they were praying all day but now I know that it is not, anyway I still don't like it.
    And what about the Languages? wow! Do you know some language else? I am learning English and Italian but in the second one I am a disaster (lol). Great post! bye bye ..

  20. Oh I went on holiday to Conception!!It's similar a Santiago, But it is a very nice place,It has incredible landscapes such as Desembocadura. In Concepcion speak much of Los Angeles, it is cheaper,That's true?

  21. Very nice story teacher :) I've never been to Los Ángeles, but I hope to know the city someday. Last year I went to Concepción for the first time and its a very nice place , but I got bored a little haha ... It's very valuable on your part to let us know a little bit about your life ... Thank You!
    PS: Sorry for missing last class, I was in Puerto Varas :(

  22. I was born far of capital too, teacher! But I was born to the north, in Iquique haha. Anyway, my father's family is from the south, Angol (near Los Angeles).
    See u!

  23. Hey teacher, I think that Concepción it's one of the coolest city in the country! Very nice that you were born there. I wonder if you play volleyball until today, sports seems very fun for me!

    Ah, by the way, which other languages do you know?


  24. Hi teacher, I think your biography it is so interesting, the south of Chile it's beatiful, last year i had the lucky to travel there. I never went to Concepción, but, after reading your post, go to Concepcion have a place in my to do list.

  25. Hello teacher, I have found a wonderful coincidence !! We come from the same region! Beautiful isn't it?.
    Regards. see you

  26. Hi teacher! I forgot to comment in this way, I'm terribly sorry. Well, like you I was also born in the south, but much further south, in Puerto Montt lol (jajajaj por qué lol. It's a wonderful place to grow up .
    I think I've never been to Concepcion, but I want to go because I like big cities, so I love Santiago. See you later! A hug!

  27. I have never been in Concepcion. I hope to do soon, some friends have told me it's a very nice town. I've only have been in Chillan and Los Angeles, but never in "Conce".
