martes, 26 de abril de 2016

1st Themed Topic

Level 3 - Post 4 (week 6) THEMED POST N° 1

We have decided that today we will write about our pets. 
Cover the following topics:
- How did you get it and what is it?
- What Characterictics does it have?
- What importance does it have in your life?
* In case you do not have a pet, let us know about someone you love who owns a pet.
- Comments: leave a comment on your post + 3 of their classmates posts
- Word Count: 140 words

 My Pet .

I have recently adopted Dulce at an “Adoption Session” sponsored by Garras y Patas Foundation, there I found Dulce, a very beautiful, two-year-old, female dog. She is a mixed dog and before we came across with each other, she had been given for adoption because her previous owner had got very ill and could no longer take care of her. Luckily, she didn’t spent too much time waiting for someone to take care her!

She is an old dog but paradoxically full of energy. She was not trained as a puppy and despite she has some bad habits she has never spoilt it badly inside the flat, the only very big issue with her is that she pulls on the leash! she’s always pulling and barking at cats in the streets which is dangerous because a fierce cat could attack her. Another thing is that she doesn’t have the best fur quality, she always losing it and I have to brush her twice a day, also I walk her three times a day and feed her also three times a day.

I look after her the best way I to have her in the best possible shape, after all she is my companion and at times I see her as my family, she is not very independent as any other dog so I have to arrange my schedule to have time to see her that’s why we spend quite a lot together and little by little we have become a small but very loving, human-dog pack.


Presentation Instructions and Marking Rubric

Oral presentations for level 3.: This activity was scheduled for  week 6.
Part of the assessment for Level 3 is a 3 to 5 minute Career-related presentation that students have to give.
Important Information

Model presentation.
2. Not allowed to read. You can use notes but you should only glance at them from time to time.
3. Students who read their presentations will have their marks divided in two (e.g. highest mark for readers =3.5). Please let students know this BEFORE the day of the presentation.
4. The same criteria applies in the case of slide  full of text. A slide show should contain summarised information not long pieces of text (more than 5 or 6 words per slide???)

Concentrate on the assessment criteria (rubrics to be used)
This accounts for 20% of the final mark and
so everything needs to be accurate.

martes, 19 de abril de 2016

Post 3: Due to next Tuesday 26th April.


Write about your favourite piece of technology


What it is.
When you got it.
How you use it.
How often you use it.
Why you like it.
What life would be like without it.

- 130 words minimum.
- Include a picture. 
- Comment on your teacher's post and 3 of your classmates’ blogs.

The Apple Without The Worm

For some time I had been quite disconnected from all society, I had already spent 6 months without a mobile.
Back then I had started working for a telecommunications company and I had to be on the phone mostly all day long, and that's why I decided, in the end, to get rid of the #cell-phone".

Time went by and some day I had an urgency, I had to hand in a very, very importan document, but with the rush, I left it over my desk at home, and the only way to get it was to call my friend and ask him to drop by and bring it along.
Having thought so, I rushed out the underground to get a pay-phone but guess what, ALL of them were not working, and after several tries, and a big anguish, I managed to contact my friend and get my papers...but it was already a bit late, and the only way I could get in touch was by borrowing a co-worker's mobile!

After that I got a mobile phone, in the 2011, after nearly a year without it. After a while I learnt there were new models, and new apps and the inclusion of 3G, I finally changed to iphone!!!... I use it for everything: to make a call, a free-call, to use wasap, teaching apps, grading apps, ppt creation and many more tools that I have come accross with.

I love my new mobile because of its functionality and the freedom it gives me, because I do not longer need to be behind the desk to do all of the tasks my profession requires. I also love it because it helps me being updated on everything I need updating on, and furthermore, because I might have lots to do, and even though I am very forgetful, with my iphone, I can always be aware of it all!.

Without it, life would be rather the same, perhaps, with the difference that I would be forced to spend less time behind the mobile, but at the same time, forced to spend longer hours behind the desk. If I did not have it, I would be even busier, not being able to work on the run. That's why I now love and use my mobile.

martes, 12 de abril de 2016

Blog 2

 Level 3 - Post 2 (week 4) Why did you choose this career/study programme?

Write about:
- your dream jobs when you were a child
- other career options that you had at the moment of applying to university
- what made you decide in the end
- your experience at university until now
- the kind of job you would like to have

 > word count: 120 words

 > don't forget to leave comments on 3 of your classmates posts and on your teacher's post as well.

I studied English Linguistics, and I always thought "what would my future job be?". And here I am!!

I always wanted to have a fun, light, easy going and not too hard to do job, but always wanted to be with people.

From all the many areas I could work in, I always wanted something neither too-much outdoors nor indoors, furthermore I wanted something that would produce some kind of social change, a good important and deep change.

In other matters, I wanted to travel, to see the world, to meet strange people, well... strange meaning, different than me and my friends and family. With teaching languages, I have been able to do all the former, which leads me to think it was the right choice.

I tried working in an office once, in a job that was not as stressful as a teacher's job but after a year, and after missing the classrooms a lot, I decided to go back to stressful, challenging but rewarding teaching.

Nowadays, I am thinking on taking up on PHD studies in the field of Applied Linguistics, I would like to do it either in the Netherlands, Switzerland and/or England. 

I would like to do it in those countries, well, in the two first ones because they have a long history of successful multilingualism and because they are definitely good at languages. England on the other hand, would be my last choice, and this is because of a fact that gave birth to a joke, that is, - and please, no offense-, but the joke says: "how do you call a person who speaks only one language? […] you call them British"...LOL

martes, 5 de abril de 2016


1st Term 2016 / LEVEL 3 >> Blog Session 1 (Week 3) >> My Auto Biography

In week N° 3, and as the first post of this semester,  the students have to write their auto biographies.
They have to include:

- Birth info
- Studies info (elementary/high school/ univ)
- Family Info
- Hobbies

> Number of words: 100 (minimum)
> Make comments on three of your classmates posts + a comment on your teacher post as well.



[*]I was born far south, well, not so far, just 510 km south from the capital.
My home city used to be Concepción, where in 1985 I was born; but when I was 5 years old my Father got a job in another city so we had to move to Los Angeles.
Los Ángeles is a small city, at about 180 km from Concepción, it's a service and pulp-industry town, and it is also the capital city of the Bio-Bio Province.
The city is sourrounded by very green landscapes and because of the pulp industry, the sorroundings nowadays, is nearly covered with pine trees and eucalyptus, which are used for the production of the raw material used to make paper.
My father, who is an engineer, and my mother, who is a housewife, took us all with them and I ended up being raised in this new town. I also went to school there. I spent all my life, from 1st primary to 4th high school in catholic institutions.
My hobbies were not many, I used to play volleyball, I took guitar lessons, but finally, I think the most enjoyable hobby was to learn new languages, and because there were not many options, I studied English.
After graduation I went college and finally I got to Santiago where I have been living for the past 5 years.

I hope my future helps me keep my southern roots and perhaps, I will come back to the day.