martes, 14 de junio de 2016

Level 3 - Post 8 (week 12) A Subject you've enjoyed studying this semester

Write about your favorite subject this term. Among others, include:

> Name
> Describe what you do in classes
> Mention the main contents you have seen
> Explain why you like the subject

> Word Count: 180
> Make comments on 3 of your patners' posts.

As a child, I really liked studying but I honestly disliked going to school because I felt I couldn't learn much and I used to see the institution with remorse for being more than a school, a jail to me.
I also disliked the type of things we had to learn, but all amd all,, I started to really enjoy a class where we had to use tools to build pieces of furniture, small robotic devices, etc.  The class does not exist in the school system anymore, it was called "Técninco Manual"

I remember the biggest challenge when I decided to work with metal an welding tools. It was just great! I could share a  lot with my sather, getting to have a very healthy and loving environment for both of us to share and I developed a taste for achitecture I did no have.

Learning to do things with my hands helped me in many dimensions. Nowadays, becuase of all the effort me and my family ans school made, I have a lot of knowledge that is very useful. 

14 comentarios:

  1. I didn't think school was a jail to me, actually I liked to go there because I enjoyed to do crafts and play with my friends.

  2. I also felt that the school was a jail for me by the education system that was in school, I felt that I could not express myself individually and taught us all the same way, uniformly and you could not be different.

  3. I understand that feeling of being in jail when you're in school, learning things that really do not interest you. But at least there is always something that is useful, that's good.

  4. Just like you, I never liked the school, I also think it is a kind of prison. In that way I prefer go to university much more than school (even when in university I'm tired the whole day)

  5. I loved that subject, make things in class relaxed me so much. It's sad that it isn't than a priority for the current authorities.

  6. School has its benefits and its limitations, I think that the problem is the prevailing system which doesn't let us to develop ours habilities with freedom and equality. On the other hand, school allows us to meet wonderful people with different realities, is the first approach to other worlds.

  7. A jail? really?, it's very weird to listen (or read, in this case) that a teacher thinks like me, I put my own barriers, but at difference, my jail wasn't the subjects but my classmates and teachers, No one understood me but now it's OK, I survived and am alive (loool). On the other hand, that subject seems amazing, I hope it back in the current school system :D!

  8. I never liked to go to school for the same reason as you. When you are in school you have to learn about some things that you are not interested.
    I think "Tecnico manual" is more fun because you can do something different, instead of regular class, and that breaks a little bit the routine of school

  9. I disagree with that the school is a prison. for me this is not true, I learned a lot from my teachers, maybe they was the problem in your case.

  10. I was lucky that my school was not a prison. The school gave me the opportunity to develop different skills.

  11. Is always good know do things with your hands, it makes you feel more useful.

  12. Wow! I never knew anybody who like a subject at the school, even me hahah

  13. oww teacher, sorry for the delay, I forgot to write here! but I write in my blog very timely, I sure :) Its a shame that you have felt that your school was a prison haha :( fortunately, for me it was always a pleasure go to school...

  14. when I was in elementary school i had a subject with that name, we were taught to repar the leaks of the kitchen, make electric circuits and things like that ... it was very useful
